Harness the boundless power of Slooh.com and unlock the vast knowledge of the universe. Embark on an awe-inspiring journey through Slooh.com, unraveling the captivating mysteries that lie within the cosmos.
Understand the features of the Student and Workspace Leaderboards on Slooh.com. These leaderboards use Gravity Points. Each level in this system is named after a renowned astronomer, adding an educational layer to the experience.
Slooh.com simplifies reserving telescope time for students completing Quests. The process is seamlessly integrated, allowing students to book missions without leaving the Quest page. Students select an object, choose an optimal mission time, and schedule their telescope reservation with ease.
Slooh sends mission updates via email and website notifications. Expect an alert 15 minutes before your mission begins, and a follow-up email the next day once your image is ready to view. Processing can take several hours, so be patient – your celestial snapshot will be worth the wait!
Slooh.com makes it easy to view objects in your favorite constellation. Select the constellation, then choose an object within it. Preview the mission to calculate the optimal viewing time and telescope, and schedule the mission to lock in your reservation. Slooh handles the rest, giving you incredible celestial views.
Slooh.com makes capturing breathtaking astronomical images a breeze. Simply choose your desired view and Slooh.com will determine visibility, recommend the best telescope, and calculate the optimal capture time. Schedule your mission through the intuitive Telescope Control panel and your celestial portrait will be captured automatically at the designated time.